Yes I’ve been there a couple times…but who’s counting? It’s one of those places that is old and yet new. So off I went with Carole and Andy to Sorrento for a few days. Some Boston friends who are just too much fun. Of course I’ll go. Sorrento is south of Naples, weather is good. Near Capri, Amalfi, Positano and one of my favorites, Ravello. Off we go.
Taking a fast train, a slow train, didn’t matter…the train was coming from north of Orte, Orvieto. Apparently a train part needed to be replaced so the train was stopped in Orvieto and not coming our way. Another train sent to get the Orvieto folks…who were told they would have to find a new train in Rome Termini to Naples. So they reserved seats. All the seats…when we found out, about an hour later…we were in deep weeds for a train. Because there wasn’t one for hours that was direct. So having no seats on the direct trains (all full or 5 hours wait time!) we took a local train that stopped at ever train station or anything that looked like a train station!!
Luckily having been at Napoli Centrale in the not too distant past, I knew which way was the ‘uscita’ exit, to find our driver to Sorrento. Now you may be asking, what about trains to Sorrento? Yes they exist but arriving after dark, finding the hotel…and Naples is much further than you might think from Sorrento. The road to Sorrento is windy and long…but so worth it! You start to feel relaxed when you start seeing groves of lemons, warm blue water….and again, you pinch yourself (mentally) and say how lucky am I to get to do this again????
The hotel was perfectly placed in all the action! Shopping, gelato, restaurants, gelato…hmmm I’m seeing a theme here. We were on the second floor with multiple landings and steps…no elevators. Our luggage was hauled up with a winch and basket to the second floor and delivered to us. Throwing open the windows and we just inhaled the sea breeze. Of course, not enough to go have a morning swim, but you know, enough to have a fabulous hotel breakfast (like every day)…they were great !! Came with our room and such fun moments with the staff. Makes a difference in your stay, I think.
The next morning, we are up and at them…determined to enjoy it all. In Sorrento is a huge ‘square’ with a most amazing large outdoor restaurant where everyone is people watching. So how good could the food or drinks be? Well we tried it and had the best evening! Very memorable, totally touristy and darn, I’ll go back! We did some shopping, and a tour of Positano, Amalfi and Ravello. Positano is stunning to view…but up and down. You find yourself wondering how did these people build so elegantly on such a steep hill? Actually a few hills. So the walk through this small city is all steps and one has to keep a clear head on to see everything whilst dodging cars and too many tourists!
The drive from Sorrento to Positano can make you a bit queasy with all the turns, heights and traffic. More than once I hoped our driver would turn off so we could catch our breath, but no and what a patient man. Never a cross word, just drove on through difficult slow traffic and crazy drivers!! Positano is the most famous of these four cities, and not for the faint of heart or walker! Up and down for everything. But beautiful and views of the sea that are photographically extraordinary and gorgeous. Prices for souvenirs, clothing, food and anything else are a bit hefty. You find so many unusual items including clothing. But nothing I couldn’t live without…well, maybe that miniature Vespa – I digress.
Amalfi is a small town with a main road. And a stunning huge church up some stunning huge steps! Some cappuccino and onto Ravello.
Ravello hosts classic music festivals and some other musical venues. The views defy what you have ever seen as ‘beautiful’. I think if I could pitch a tent, I would. Yes there are hotels but the mountains surrounding are just gorgeous. Everywhere you look is a postcard!!!
And no matter how you might think Italy could modernize, nope. And God bless them that they don’t. What you see is old. Pretty much, old. Gorgeous, stunning and full of history and stories. You wonder over and over, how many people have lived here? Who? Where did they work? What were the lives of these people? Properties/homes/businesses are passed down in families. Hence the food in Italy is considered the best in the world. If the food is not good, no one goes to the restaurant. So quality is paramount. Wandering through Ravello, the huge lemons are in season. Sorrento had tons of them also. The artwork in Ravello, wines, clothing, oh the list goes on…just a very cool gorgeous place. Back in the car we head back to Sorrento. Long day. Tomorrow we walk more, check out more local stores, view some churches, drink lots of cappuccinos, wine and gelatos…YOLA. So gelato and coffee it is!
Behind our hotel, down a side street, was an old church, small but now housing a fabulous inlaid wood works showroom. This small Italian company does artistic wood inlay pieces for Nordstrom, Bloomingdale’s, Gucci, Dior – the list is long and impressive. The son of the company gave us a tour and explained the process. The work is just beautiful…yes we did. Small pieces but beautiful.
Sorrento had beautiful weather, some rain, lots of stores, gorgeous things to see (huge lemons and lots of Limoncellos). Some Crema di Limone found its way home with us! A magnificent church (isn’t there always?). And special places to go back to. A car ride to Napoli Centrale, some lunch, and training it back to Orte!!
The photos are a bit out of order…for some reason, my computer seemed to think this was a better option !!!
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Just wonderful…the one about Sorento. Don’t know how this works…if I’m replying to that blog or not!? ? i e read em all of course and love them all as you know.
I get the replies! Grazie!! ?????
What a fun getaway! I hope you got a black and white wood box for your apartment!!
Yes I did!!! ????
Wonderful adventure. Positano was a Joe Bodio adventure too. Up the stairs from the stores to the villa way up the hill and back down all the stairs again. Grand views. Hello to Carole and Andy.
Will do. ?????
Lol, always a fun time with you Cindy! Great photos too!
Fun read. Nice photos.
Always a great place. Back home in Orte. ???