
Welcome to stories of Italy and Beyond…

Just Doing Paradise is a state of mind. It’s finding joy in where you are. Appreciating your surroundings and simply breathing it all in. Gratitude has long been held as a great healer, a place of peace, a place of kindness. And I am so lucky and very grateful for my travel and experiences. So join me.

I’ve owned this domain for years and now it just feels right. If ever I have found paradise, it is traveling and seeing the world.

And what a better place to be than Italy…paradise to history, art, architecture, wine and food! And more countries? Oh yes!!! Come along. Let’s see what is out there!!

And now it’s Christmas … in Italy.

Apparently life had an adventure I could not have foreseen. An old ‘boyfriend’ came back into my life and now everything has changed. My life’s trajectory is new. Exciting, interesting and it would seem love has reappeared. But I digress….

From Montenegro I made a detour to Florida…a couple months then back to my home in Italy. The weather is colder now, but not ‘biting’ but after Florida, it’s cold.  So you bundle up and head out to see where the day will take you.  Rome and Florence are magnificent at Christmas.  The decorations are just over the top.  And even in cold weather, you simply have to stop and stare.  I do that so much. Just stand around and stare.  It seems all so interesting – even though I have seen so much already.  The ‘Presepe’ (nativity creches) on display in St Peter’s Piazza are awesome.  How artists interpret the holy nativity scene is quite interesting.  I take a lot of photos of everything that looks amazing, beautiful, unusual and special.  

My village is decorated with so many lovely items.  The poinsettias are everywhere and they do place decorations along the road and walkway.  The main church has a video projection on the front of it of the Holy Mother.  Somehow that feels like peace and comfort.  

Friends are visiting and that makes the season fun and crazy.  I’ll be back home in the US next month. But for now, enjoying the season, fewer tourists, great food and wine, beautiful decorations and kindness.  If for no other reason, Christmas reminds us of our opportunity to over-tip, over-smile, over-eat and drink –  and be grateful for all the blessings we are given.  Share. Love. 

Hope you enjoy the photos, so many beautiful places here to see.  It never gets boring.  Of interest is the Florence Duomo now open to tourists.  Heretofore it is has been closed for quite some time.  The statues and items of note were placed in a Museum behind the Duomo – which is a great Museum and well worth visiting.  The inside of the Duomo is stunning so hope you enjoy the photos from the Duomo and from my favorite Florence piazza, Piazza Signoria.  So many statues and what a fabulous light show on the side of one of the buildings.  

Photos include a Swiss guard in a dark winter uniform at the Vatican.  A statue that is a stunning Jewish boat with people – depicting sadness and loss, permanently situated in St Peter’s Piazza and photos that caught my eye there.  

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year. Pace. (Peace in Italian – and seen so many places in Italy).  It is time for peace.  xoxoxo

Montenegro…a country that is coming into its own…and then there is this.

Four recent events have become so interesting and eye opening that I felt I must write about them. The first is a fabulous tour I did with my American friend, Becca! We met in Kotor and over coffees, dinners, lunches and lots of walking, became fast friends! Becca is fun and just wonderful not to mention pretty and intelligent ! (She lives in Spain). So we decided to do a tour. Over the mountains to a Mausoleum of great pride to the Montenegrinis, breakfast, tour of the old Royal Capital – Centinje, then onto Skadar Lake, late lunch, boat ride…all excellent.  

Continue reading “Montenegro…a country that is coming into its own…and then there is this.”

America, Italy and Montenegro – anything in common?

Immigration to any of these countries for citizenship is not an easy process. Years ago it was somewhat easier. Having dual citizenship can be an awesome feat. Owning property does not give one citizenship. So beyond citizenship, what else?

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Just one exciting adventure after another…HAH, not even. Nope, sometimes an adventure is a lesson in making better choices!!!

First, I must admit to being horribly ill with food poisoning. And although I would like to pin the rap on a restaurant, I think it was my poor decision making. So you know, if you order a plate of local cheeses for lunch and cannot eat it all…do not, repeat “do not” place said package in your backpack, walk in the sun for 30-40 minutes to the bus stop….but I am getting ahead of the story.

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Where is this place? Kotor Montenegro??? I might be in love !!!

Since I arrived, it has been a whirlwind of activities, discovery and just total amazement. The other day I had a wonderful tour of the Kotor historical district. It is unbelievable the amount of people over thousands of years who have come here to rule or fight and that this country has not only survived but flourished. The mountains are so beautiful. I wonder if wild goats are in these mountains? I’ve noticed the clouds sometimes cover the mountain tops. All very beautiful!!

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Doing penance in Montenegro…

I knew it was coming…my first ‘Schengen Shuffle’ to a country I’d never been to. Nope, pretty far east for me. A Balkan country, still considered a European country, small with so much coastline on the Adriatic Sea. I’ve been asked ‘why Montenegro? Aren’t you excited? Wow, sounds fabulous’…and the comments went on. I just wanted to stay in my home, my Italian home. My secret private world of my own. But not to be, Italy has spoken…on a Tourist Visa? Time to go.

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Sundays in Italy…in a medieval village

In America, Sundays are pretty much ‘everything open’ days. Not so much in the outlying areas of Italy – if judged by my village. Although due to a unique tourist hot spot here, we do get tourists every day. So six days a week, just about everything is open. There is also the ‘dead zone’ in all of Italy outside of the tourist areas…you know, that 1pm – 5 or 6pm siesta time. How does one cope???

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Assisi – so many stories and so extraordinary!

On the hills in Umbria is this beautiful city. I’m getting better at traversing buses and trains and my reward is finding beautiful places in Italy to visit.

Changing trains is always a push as your first train has to be on time! And sometimes it is. Then one has to find a local bus that goes to the city of Assisi! Yes I did!! A group of American kids were on the bus. From NC. Nice chat with one of the chaperones.

Continue reading “Assisi – so many stories and so extraordinary!”