Blog 12 ‘Orte in Cantina’…or a fun time was had by all!

It just looked like fun…a walking tour of the village with wine and food at each station! I’ve done some of these in the States, so of course, I had to find out how fun this would be!! And it was so much fun…wow. And did the wine flow? Ooops!

There were groups every 10 minutes or so, and the groups were from 50 – 90 people!! Our tour guide was Danilo with a Bullhorn and a bell! He led us to each place for a taste of wine and a bit of food. Mostly the attendees were 20-40’s I’d guess. As the event wore on and I met so many of these cool kids..or folks maybe, it was just great fun. They included us each time in their smaller groups and someone spoke English so a lot of information was exchanged. Quite a few came out from Rome but there were many places around Italy that converged here. Michael and Toni Spott and myself. We laughed and just enjoyed the moments. The wines were pretty good, initially white wines but then quickly it changed to reds and we loved them! The Moscato was really good and at the end was a ‘Brûlée’ or as we know it, a hot mulled wine. Just perfect on an afternoon that started around 1pm for us, buying our tix and finding our group, up til after 6pm. Whew!

What astounded me was that I walk by these ‘Cantinas’ all the time! Never a hint that there was some amazing place behind the doors that are aged and unexciting!! Huge kitchens, numerous people serving us, long tables to sit at…and oh the good wines! Well as is always the case, you get to #4 on the list and everyone is so happy, some loud laughing and making new friends. But true to form for these Italians, no one was unruly or out of line. Just happy and fun. I think because they have access to wine so early in life, they just take it in stride. No one trying to be drunk, etc. I made some lovely new friends!! And some real cute guys that I hope contact me as I think I have a granddaughter who is available for dating!!

The tickets were $33 and well worth it. The wine flowed plentifully and as a vegetarian, I had plenty to eat. Although, at #5, I walked away without my purse, someone found and it was quickly returned to me…on the one prior, I left my wine glass…and got a new one. Hmmmm, I must be more careful. They seemed to take care of me and I was most grateful for that. Toni and Mike were great fun and we loved the event and how fun the afternoon was. At the end, we walked by my apartment on the way to the Piazza! The end of the event was a band in the Piazza, roasted chestnuts, mulled wine and lots of dancing! Truly an evening to remember. One of the last stops was set up like a Discotheque! Smoke going, colored lights…amazing. I walk past these doors and never an idea how cool some of these places are!!!

One other note, these young people were dressed so cool! Stylish, and just adorable. Everybody having a great time. I may do it next year! That being said, there was one location that went down old old cement stone stairs that must have been here from the beginning! A bit much for me, too close to the edge of the short wall and the long way down below!!! But with a little ‘wine’ courage, I did just fine. Crazy.

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Author: Cindy Wilhelm

Just a travel blogger ... off on new adventures!!! Love to travel and learn so many new things! Make new friends, see new places, visit some favorites and share stories.

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