Blog 16 Christmas Cheer and Wine

I was invited to a local ‘social’ club. I knew something was going on in this one building but I only heard people in there as I walked by. No windows so I did not know what they were doing. My sweet neighbor, Luigina, invited me to come with her. She speaks no English…so just instinctually I followed her gestures and off we went! This social club is where they play cards, watch tv and talk.

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Blog 12 ‘Orte in Cantina’…or a fun time was had by all!

It just looked like fun…a walking tour of the village with wine and food at each station! I’ve done some of these in the States, so of course, I had to find out how fun this would be!! And it was so much fun…wow. And did the wine flow? Ooops!

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Blog 10 It wasn’t Narnia

One has to wonder what was I thinking? A short train ride to walk to Amelia. A lovely hamlet that makes incredible wines and desserts! Not too far, I should go. So I did. Well, it was a gallant effort! Amelia is miles from the Narni-Amelia train station. And let us not forget, un-touristy areas close on Sundays.

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